The Afterparty storyline takes place after the main story in Skeletal Dance Party. After defeating the Temple of Righteous Light and hosting a huge undead dance party in their former temple the foxgirl protagonist Reva faces her next challenge…

A new evil threatens the land – the necromancer Clerie (voiced by Anairis Quiñones). She is a new face in the underground, an interloper bent on taking over Reva’s ‘territory’ with her own brand of necromancy: whereas Reva specializes in raising party-mad skeletons for minions, Clerie raises mindless, flesh-hungry zombie warriors (voiced by P.M. Seymour). Fiery, driven, unwavering, sharp. She holds an iron-clad set of traditional beliefs about how magic should be used, and the destiny of witches and wizards to rule the world; she is personally offended by Reva’s ‘misuse’ of magic and sets out to claim Reva’s territory for herself. She’s determined, daring, deadly, and worst of all, she hates partying.

Skeletal Dance Party: Afterparty Released
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